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Commercial proofreading 

Whether it's a website, brochure, or vehicle livery, your marketing materials are likely to be your first contact with your potential customers. The quality of those materials should be a reflection of the quality of the product or service you're selling, so if your website is littered with typos and inconsistencies you may be casting a seed of doubt in your customers' minds before you've even started.


I can help by proofreading and editing your marketing materials, reports, bids, and any other externally facing documents, to get them looking great. 



How I work


I usually work in MS Word using tracked changes and comments but I can also work on PDF documents using comments (just be aware that this involves a bit of work for someone at your end to implement my changes so would not be ideal on projects with a short turnaround). I’m also happy to work directly in InDesign, should the need ever arise (usually at the last stage of producing marketing materials such as brochures).



What my service includes


As standard, my proofreading service includes


  • Spelling and grammar check

  • Sense check

  • Consistency

  • Inclusivity (formatting and language check for disabilities such as dyslexia)

  • Tracked changes in Word or with InDesign story editor

  • Comments where anything is unclear





I will always aim to meet your deadlines and can often take work at short notice, particularly with smaller jobs, but for jobs over 20,000 words (around 35-40 pages) I may need a little bit of notice to clear my schedule. I will always let you know at the start of a job how long it should take.



Sample text


If you'd like me to read a sample text, I charge £50 for this service (for a sample up to 2000 words).





Any documents that you send to me will be held confidentially and only stored whilst I’m working on them. Once the finished document has been signed off by you I will remove it from my workspace.



Get in touch to tell me about your project and get a quote.

Marketing | Website | Communications | PR



I would thoroughly recommend Kat for proofreading services.

Kat was recommended to us at the Children's Media Conference when we were at crunch point for print deadlines, and I'm very glad she was! Friendly and efficient, she proofread and delivered final copy accurately and promptly. I would thoroughly recommend Kat for proofreading services. We will certainly be employing her again! 

Jaqcui Wells

Deputy Director, The Children's Media Conference, Sheffield, UK

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